It has been more than a year now since the first lockdown was imposed in India due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. All of our lives have been impacted heavily due to it and has changed a lot since then. One sector that has faced drastic challenges during these testing times is the small to medium-scaled enterprises(SMEs) in our nation.
SMEs are a very important sector of our economy, contributing significantly to employment generation, innovation, exports, and inclusive growth.SMEs are the backbone of the socio-economic development of our country. It accounts for 45% of total industrial production, 40% of total exports, and contributes proportionally to the GDP. But due to the ongoing pandemic, this progress was halted. It is estimated by Dun & Bradstreet that over 82% of SMEs had a negative impact during COVID-19.
Now if we have a further look inwards, we find that the working force of these SMEs, i.e. the workers/employees got astray a lot. We very well saw their plight when they had to migrate to their homeland due to the unavailability of jobs or the unwillingness of their employers to contact them.
Therefore, to bridge this evergrowing gap during these most testing of times for the human race, We at SalaryBook have tried to make our contribution to help SMEs and the workforce of our nation, i.e. the labours/employees to bloom again by coming up with a mobile application, SalaryBook.
SalaryBook is an easy to use solution for Employee, Payroll and Expense Management for small & medium enterprises(SMEs).SalaryBook is a very efficient business management mobile application. It is very simple and easy to use. People from all scales of business fields, be it small, medium or large can integrate it into their businesses and reap the benefits of its hassle-free system.

SalaryBook addresses the necessary requirements and benefits of both the stakeholders involved in the SMEs, i.e. The Employers as well as The Employees.
From an employer’s perspective, You can use SalaryBook to give your business the necessary impetus it so dearly requires amidst the pandemic.SalaryBook will help you to have an efficient staff management record and keep tabs on all your databases as well. You can maintain logs about your employee’s payrolls using SalaryBook and can thus bid farewell to all your “Dusty Khatas(aka registers)”.

Now, from the employees’ perspective, SalaryBook can be used to seek out jobs, make connections and enhance your networking. SalaryBook’s most striking feature with respect to the employees’ perspective is the Visiting Card(a kind of mini CV), which you can make very easily and also share on social media and thus, enhance your chances of bagging a job. For the workers, this feature is a boon as it does not require much of your complex CV making skills and is quite simple to make.
Therefore, this way SalaryBook is making its contribution amidst these tough times and help boost the growth of SMEs in our country and furthermore help our country’s economy.
As SalaryBook is doing its part in helping the country in bettering its economy, Can you do your part and help SalaryBook reach out to every single SMEs in our nation?
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